Guillaume GILKES
Research Director
Guillaume GILKES is an international expert in finance dedicated to Africa. Key member of the team since 2007, he directs FINACTU Group’s research activities. Guillaume GILKES started his career in Africa in 2005 as a strategy and management consultant in Dakar (Senegal) then as a freelance consultant for the World Bank on technical assistance projects in Africa providing specific expertise in the fields of insurance and social protection.
Within FINACTU Group, Guillaume GILKES first worked as an actuary consultant and project manager. He worked on several assignments in Morocco (pension scheme reform), Gabon (setting-up of a health-insurance scheme) and within African insurance companies particularly during due diligences for the acquisition of shares by an investment fund (audit of technical provisions, business plan, etc.).
Guillaume GILKES has carried out research activities in the past. He was notably the rapporteur of a study on the challenges and opportunities of the development of Islamic finance for the Paris financial centre, under the direction of Messrs Pastre and Jouini (” La finance islamique, une solution à la crise ? “, Economica, 2009).
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