Our services
FINACTU provides its clients with its expertise and experience on the African continent for the realization of various projects, from strategy to implementation, and supports them in carrying out capital operations
Corporate Finance – M&a
We assist our clients, whether sellers, buyers or investors, in carrying out capital transactions, drawing on our in-depth knowledge of Africa’s legal and financial environments, our in-depth knowledge of local players and our understanding of the challenges facing the continent. We also carry out portfolio valuation and pre-acquisition due diligence assignments.
Operational Consulting
We are mandated by our clients for highly operational assignments involving the implementation of a strategy, transformation or change management, the creation and operationalization of new departments, and occasionally for the creation of a Greenfield project or the complete management of a restructuring.
Regulatory consulting
Governance Consulting
Corporate governance is a cornerstone of our clients’ regulatory and development challenges. FINACTU carries out assignments involving the review or implementation of governance frameworks, as well as the identification of independent directors and the assessment of board operations.
Executive Training
With its long experience in strategic consulting and the implementation of operational solutions, FINACTU is keen to pass on its know-how and strengthen the skills of executives and managers in the various sectors in which it has expertise: social protection, banking, insurance, etc. To run these high-level seminars, FINACTU calls on its associates and managers, as well as its network of partner experts and various key figures from the African financial sector.

Our business lines
In nearly 25 years of activity, FINACTU has consolidated its expertise in 10 business areas, which constitute its core business
Nationalities represented
within the firm
Associates, managers,
and consultants
Countries of operation in Africa
and beyond
Missions carried out
on the continent
Institutions that have
trusted us
Years of experience
of the FINACTU group.
Our People and Leadership
Our team is composed of experts in each of the FINACTU group’s business lines

Denis CHEMILLIER-GENDREAU is a former member of the French Administration and of the PARIBAS merchant bank, where he headed a subsidiary. He founded the FINACTU Group over twenty years ago, drawing on his in-depth knowledge of the inner mechanisms of administration, government, finance, insurance and social protection.

Géraldine MERMOUX
Managing Director – Partner
After various positions in investment banks in Switzerland and Morocco and as a Director of EMERGING CAPITAL PARTNERS, the leading investment fund manager in Africa, Géraldine MERMOUX has developed considerable expertise in the fields of private equity and finance.

He began his career as an analyst at Emerging Capital Partners (ECP), the leading private equity fund manager in Africa. Luc Morio is an expert in the financial sector in Africa, advising financial institutions, companies and governments on corporate finance, strategic and operational advisory assignments.